
Private wealth management designed to be accessible and modern


Information Architecture, Design, Interaction


iOS, Android


UI, UX, Strategy

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How we helped Titan build the next generation investment app.

If you’re looking to invest in a managed portfolio, chances are you have no idea what to do or where to start.

Titan is here to change that. With Titan, you don’t need to be an accredited investor or pour hundreds of thousands of dollars. Titan lets you start with as little as $1,000 and it’s quickly gaining traction amongst millennials. That’s where we came in.

We worked side by side with the Titan team to swiftly expand their platform and launch new features while refining their design system.


What’s our story?

From the start, we took defined some strong principles in regards to the narrative. Because Titan had so much content, research and data, we wanted to be intentional in how we designed those pieces. That meant making sure every design served a purpose. That they should be personalized and relevant to users.

Drive engagement

We wanted to design ways users can interact and engage with the app in a meaningful way. We designed polls where users can vote and gain insights. We also introduced reactions and methods of sharing as a way to build community and social proofing.

The app is simple and intuitive. Their information is timely and thoughtful and no-nonsense.
The app has a lot of great information. It’s straightforward and easy to read. Would highly recommend!

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