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How we helped Zenefits redesign and streamline the HR workflow

When Zenefits approached us to redesign their platform, we knew it was an opportunity to create something truly special. In this case study, we will take a deep dive into the design process, the challenges we faced, and the solutions we implemented to transform Zenefits into a modern and user-friendly HR platform.

Transforming Zenefits:
A Fresh New Look

Our new design for the Zenefits platform focuses on simplicity and ease of use. We stripped away the clutter and unnecessary elements, and created a clean and modern interface that is easy to navigate. The homepage now features a clear overview of the most important HR metrics, such as employee count and benefits usage, and provides quick access to the most frequently used features.

We also introduced a new navigation system that allows users to easily switch between different HR modules, such as payroll and benefits. The platform is now fully responsive, so it can be accessed and used on any device, including smartphones and tablets. Overall, the new design is a significant improvement over the old one, and we are confident that it will greatly enhance the user experience and improve HR processes for businesses.

Creating a New Design System for Zenefits

As part of the redesign project, we created a new design system for the Zenefits platform that addressed the challenges and goals we identified. The new design system is based on a clean and modern aesthetic that focuses on simplicity and ease of use.

To improve the user experience and navigation, we introduced a new top-level navigation system that allows users to easily switch between different HR modules, such as payroll and benefits. This navigation system is persistent across all pages, so users can always access the modules they need, regardless of where they are in the platform. We also introduced a new homepage design that provides a clear overview of the most important HR metrics, such as employee count and benefits usage. This allows users to quickly get a sense of their HR status, and provides quick access to the most frequently used features.

Overall, the new design system we created for the Zenefits platform is a significant improvement over the old one, and we are confident that it will greatly enhance the user experience and improve HR processes for businesses.

If you need a true design partner, Next is the one. They were there every step of the way - we couldn’t have done this without them.

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